Play with a purpose


Adaptive switch, Power link box, Extension cord, Electric items to activate: (lamp, blender, food processor, popcorn popper, chair massage pad, fan, music, t.v., sound machine, elefun game, shredder) etc…


1.    Select an item to activate
2.    Plug the Big Red switch into the power link box & plug the power link box into the electric wall outlet
3.    Plug the selected electric item into the power link box
4.    Assist the participant to press the Big Red switch and activate the selected electric item

Adaptation Ideas:

The power link box allows for a few ways to utilize the adaptive switch depending on the cognitive ability of the participant. It can be set for a simple one touch to turn an item on & off, or it can be set for constant pressure on the switch to keep an item on. There is also a setting where the item will go on for a selected number of minutes or seconds and then it turns off, providing repetition for the participant to turn on the selected item for several trials during one session.


*Cause & effect
*Sensory stimulation
*Reaching & pressing
*Initiation & interaction with the environment​


Adaptive Switch Ideas